procgen trees - Y trees

I return again to my semi-annual tinkering with this tree generator: growing it tree-like a little bit each time, every update another ring if you will... I've been working on adding oak trees but this required a different approach to tree construction beyond the straight-up-with-branches style of the pine and this has proved a little more tricky than anticipated, so it's not quite finished yet.

In the interest of releasing something for PROCJAM before 2022 ends though, I thought I'd share this work-in-progress build (v9): I've managed to solve the main problem of how to create Y-shaped trunks with branches (and getting them to work with scaling, wind, etc).

You can try this early test by pressing 4 to select the WIP tree type. Doesn't look like much, but the foundation is there. Now I just need to add some more branching and leaves and such, tweak a few settings, and replace the sprites... then I can add more trees like oak, olive, and others.

Files 5 MB
Dec 31, 2022

Get procgen - trees

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